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​​Women in the Church

​The summer market trips have been a great success!  We have seen two wonderful and inspiring stores and found new ingredients that we have never used before but now have on our list of possibilities.  The third market trip planned for August had to be postponed because of a funeral, but this location is so wonderful that we still need to go there!   We will meet at Dayspring at 9:00am on Thursday, September 19th to visit Nam Dae Mun market in Morrow.  We will plan to each lunch before we return home, so you are welcome to bring a cooler for your purchases, if you would like.  You won't want to miss this huge, fun market!


Join us as we study "Breathe - The Life-Giving Oxygen of the Lord's Prayer."  Our next meeting will be Tuesday, October 8 from 7-9pm at Dayspring.  You can prepare for the meeting by working through the the first chapter (noted as Week One) for this study.


We will meet every second Tuesday of the month until May. 




​Men's Bible Study 


You are invited to join this study of Biblical truths meeting at Panera Bread on Tom Hill Sr. Blvd in Macon each Wednesday morning at 7:00am.



​Life Chain

Stand together with other believers in support of the value of human life and the forgiving God who loves His Children.  We will stand along North Lee Street from 2:30-3:30pm on Sunday, October 6 to encourage those driving by to consider these questions.  Gather at Truist Bank at 2:00pm for preparatory prayer and instructions.


Pastor Appreciation Lunch

We will honor our pastor and thank him for his dedication to Dayspring Presbyterian Church in this lunch following the morning worship on October 13.  Please bring 2-3 dishes to share, plus any card or gift you would like to add to show your appreciation for Pastor Dave!


Harvest Outdoor Fellowship

We will celebrate the fall season with a bonfire and chili cook-out on Friday, November 1st.  Join us for fun, fellowship, and games.



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