The Bible indicates that a Child of God should give a tithe, or one-tenth of one's income, back to the Lord in appreciation for what the Lord has done for him or her. This giving does not gain salvation or even benefit it. It is a response to the love that has been shown to the individual by a Gracious and Ever-Loving God. Gifts that are given to God are never given in vain. He is able and willing to supply all of our needs and gives to us much more than we could ever give to Him.
The budget used at Dayspring for Missions comes from Faith Promise Pledges. These are funds separate from the tithe given to the church in general. Each year, the congregation is encouraged to ask God how much they should pledge to this work. The member pledges what God has directed to be given throughout the year and waits for God to supply this money. No record is kept of the pledges but the total amount pledged gives the Missions Committee a framework upon which to base its plans for the year.