Men's Bible Study
Join Pastor Dave and a small group of men as they look deeply into the Word of God to find the treasures available there. Questions and uncertainties are welcome! This group meets at Panera Bread in Macon (Tom Hill Sr. Blvd.) at 7:00am each Wednesday.
Dayspring's Missions Conference 2025 will kick off with a supper provided by the Missions Committee on Friday, March 14 at 6:00pm. We have four missionary couples who will attend in person this year. We will also make one video call to a missionary on the field. Join us for a chance to get to know these missionaries personally and hear about their work around the world.
​ Friday, March 14
Saturday, March 15
Sunday, March 16
Missions Conference 2025

Classical Christian School
We are in the process of designing a Classical Christian School at Dayspring Presbyterian Church, 1045 Highway 41 South. This school will focus on excellence in education and life skills by teaching through the classical teaching method and will use the Bible as the basis for all disciplines of life.
What is a Classical School?
A Classical School is based on the model of education that was used for centuries in Europe and America. It operates around the Trivium, a division of learning modes called Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric.
In the Grammar Stage, children ages 5-10 enjoy repeating and can easily memorize many facts and details. This ability is put to use in helping them to enlarge their vocabularies as well as other sets of knowledge. They are encouraged to look and listen as they learn about the world around them. Their curiosity is encouraged and used to help them expand their world. As they progress in this stage, the children begin to learn Latin, the basis for many of our words in English as well as other languages. Students begin to read classical literature to grasp the ideas that have formed our society for ages and to learn how to effectively express their own ideas.
As children approach the Logic Stage, ages 11-13, they begin to wonder "why" things are the way they are. Logic training teaches them to be able to sort out truth from fiction and see false associations or conclusions. They learn to "argue" both formally and informally in a way that represents truth. They learn to critically examine statements and to be able to determine what makes one true and another false. They continue to work on their Latin acquisition and often begin to learn Greek, another language that forms the basis of much of our language. Classical literature continues to be a large influence and the student is likely able to read some of this literature in its original language.
Combining all of the tools that they have learned so far, the Rhetoric Stage (ages 14-18) teaches students to express their own ideas as well as those of others, to use the logic found in an argument to its full advantage, and to apply their tools to exploration and understanding. The student will have the ability to state his or her ideas clearly, succinctly, and persuasively and be able to defend them logically and effectively.
In a Classical Christian School, the main text that is used in all of these stages is the Bible. As the ultimate source of truth, all of this work is done and considered with reference to God's teachings.
Much of present-day Classical Education is based on "The Lost Tools of Learning" by Dorothy Sayers. You are encouraged to read this short work here › details › sayers1948losttoolslearning.
For more information and to receive notice of upcoming informational meetings, contact Pastor David Martin at or by calling 478-394-5060.